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  Disheveled Love   •  Karen M. Balos view larger image

Disheveled Love

While personal turmoil can refer to stress, sadness, bitterness, or anger, personal turmoil can also refer to an extremely positive experience — being in love. The turmoil of being in love can be wild, chaotic, unpredictable, exciting, colorful, joyful, disorderly, and tumultuous.

The title pays homage to Frida Kahlo, who said:

You deserve a love that wants you disheveled, with everything and all
the reasons that wake you up in a hurry, with everything and the demons that won’t let you sleep…
You deserve a love that listens when you sing, that supports you
when you feel shame, that respects that you are free, that flies with you
and isn’t afraid to fall.
You deserve a love that takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee,
and poetry.

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