Art Quilt Quarterly
Art Quilt Quarterly is filled with beautiful artwork and informative articles for collectors, art venues, museums, professional artists and art enthusiasts.
In each issue:
- A broad array of art to enjoy, including 60+ pages of beautiful artwork by SAQA’s Juried Artist Members (starting with Issue #8).
- Interviews with artists and other arts professionals that offer inspiration and guidance on how to navigate your creative career.
- Galleries of artwork from SAQA's traveling exhibitions PLUS insider details about select museum and private collections.
- Resources on the proper ways to display, insure, and care for your art quilt collection.
Subscription Details
Art Quilt Quarterly is published four times a year and is available as a yearly subscription ($34.95) or single issue ($14.99). Non-US addresses pay an additional $3 per issue.
SAQA members receive $5 off subscription price!
AQQ subscriptions can be processed via our online form (required for gift subscriptions or alternate mailing addresses) or through the SAQA Store links below.
New Subscription - one year (4 copies)
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a SAQA member to subscribe to Art Quilt Quarterly?
Absolutely not! Art Quilt Quarterly is available for everyone. It's even sold at over 400 bookstores across the United States and Canada. The SAQA Journal is our quarterly publication that is included with a SAQA membership. Not a member yet? Join Us »
How can I check my subscription status?
Existing subscribers can check their status via the Manage Your Account option in (Communication Preferences) or by contacting us at We do send out renewal reminders via email. Your last issue number will also be included on your mailing label.
If you didn't receive an issue or have questions, please contact us at
I am already a SAQA member - do I need to subscribe to AQQ?
Art Quilt Quarterly is a completely separate publication from the SAQA Journal which members receive as part of their benefits. You must subscribe to AQQ to receive it but a discount is available to SAQA members.
What if I didn't receive my copy (or changed my address)?
If you have any problems with your subscription, please contact us at If you are a SAQA member, address changes can also be made via Manage Your Account in
How do I purchase a gift subscription?
Gift subscriptions can be entered via our online form. Just enter the recipient's information when prompted.
Do you accept ideas or proposals for future articles?
We welcome your questions and ideas for future articles. If you are interested in writing an article, review our submission guidelines. Any questions, contact our editor Sandra Sider at
How can my artwork be included in the Portfolio section?
The Portfolio section of each issue includes artwork from our Juried Artist Members. The online index is updated at publication time.
All submitted artwork from the 2019 call for submissions (now closed) will be included in issues 16-19 of Art Quilt Quarterly.
Artwork submittied in 2018 is included in issues #12-15 of Art Quilt Quarterly.
Not a JAM? Visit our JAM resource page for details about applying.
How can I subscribe or renew via check?
Checks (made out to SAQA in US funds only) can be mailed to:
Studio Art Quilt Associates
PO Box 141
Hebron, CT 06248
Please include AQQ in the memo line or complete this form
If you have questions about your subscription, please contact us at