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Kathryn Pellman
Los Angeles, CA2
Phone: 310-600-9133

My quilts blend my love of storytelling, fashion, fabric and traditional quilting.  They are a celebration and exploration of women and femininity.  Fabric and thread are my paint; the sewing machine is my paintbrush.


Although my quilts are not traditional, there is a strong connection to traditional quiltmaking in their construction through the use of piecing, applique and broderie perse, a style of applique often used in Victorian quilts.

I have a Certificate in Fashion Design and have been sewing ever since I could thread a needle.  My quilts have been exhibited throughout the United States and published in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, American Quilter and Patchwork Quilt Tsushin.  I am the coauthor of Backart -- On the Flip Side.

