* Balancing Act

Art by: Misty Cole, Doria Goocher, Pat Bishop, Elaine Millar, Laura Wasilowski Balancing Act

View ListingView the Quilts

Throughout history, women have had to balance responsibilities to community, home and family while pursuing other interests, jobs, or careers. From those who helped farm the land or worked in factories during wartime, to those who stand shoulder to shoulder with men pursuing careers, or serve as caregivers; women have always had to juggle the various aspects of their lives.

This show celebrates women past and present; what we have accomplished that we now enjoy as rights and freedoms that our grandmothers and their grandmothers did not; and what obstacles we have left to conquer. As art quilting is a predominantly female pursuit, this exhibit is particularly personal. It is an opportunity to show works that explore the daily lives, both internal and external, of women. As artists we were free to explore what and who inspires us; what we find frustrating; what we are most proud of.

From serious to lighthearted, from literal to abstract, there are many ways to find balance. It can be found in formalism; in the pursuit of compositional balance and mastery of the medium that is fabric and stitch. It can be historic, spotlighting the people and events that contribute to our ability to achieve balance. But mostly, it’s personal. Viewers are invited to find their own stories in the pieces presented and ask, what does balance mean to me?

Lynn Bassett view statement
Sue Bleiweiss view statement

Exhibition Coordinator: Cynthia St. Charles

International Quilt Market, Houston October 24-October 26, 2015
International Quilt Festival, Houston October 29 – November 1, 2015
International Quilt Festival, Chicago April 7-9, 2016
AQS Quilt Week, Chattanooga, TN, Sept. 14 – 17, 2016
AQS Quilt Week, Des Moines, IA, Oct. 5 – 8, 2016


Please contact us with any inquiries about this exhibition or artwork. 

More Information

View ListingView the Quilts

View Video from IQF - Houston
See some of the exhibition artwork in this video by Luana Rubin of eQuilter.