Featured Artist - April 2012  Nancy G. Cook

Charlotte, NC
ngcook1@bellsouth.net Nancy G. Cook

I am a North Carolina artist who creates realistic images of natural objects in a highly exaggerated scale with textiles, ink and thread. I am truly blessed to have found a medium that combines many elements that bring joy to my life. My art work combines my passions for nature, textiles, texture, color and women's work as art.

Seed Play, a series exploring the architecture of seeds in a whole-cloth quilt format, began mid-2008 and focuses on tree and shrub seeds and fruits, as metaphors for the richness of life’s maturity. Using the uniqueness of tree seeds as metaphor, I strive to illustrate that each individual is unique and wonderful by focusing with admiration and care on a part of the tree that is often overlooked.

The historical forms of botanical watercolors, quilting, and stenciling inform my work. I strive for lively compositions using hand-guided machine-stitching for bas relief and add additional dimension with hand-stitching.

Working directly from collected seed specimens, my designs are based on research and detailed sketches. Realistic images are scaled up to 500% larger than life specimens. The scale and lush renditions are reminiscent of Georgia O’Keeffe and Karl Blossfelt. 

click images for larger view

Mossy Cup Oak Pokeweed Berries Redbud
Mossy Cup Oak
42" x 36", 2011
Pokeweed Berries
24" x 24", 2011
5"x 7", 2011