Featured Artist - July 2010
Cher Cartwright
White Rock, British Columbia Canada
After half a lifetime of relying on words to communicate, I discovered the language of visual art which allows more articulate and subtle expression than I could ever achieve with mere words. I hand dye fabric and sew it into improvisationally pieced, quilted wall hangings as my medium of visual expression. My quilts are primarily abstract explorations of form and color and the emotions evoked by these elements, but I also hope to elicit a physical response in the viewer whose hand almost invariably seeks to touch the wondrously sensuous surface of the quilted cloth.
I consider my work "painting with cloth," but with an extra tactile element. My study of modern art has influenced the development of my work. I am constantly inspired by the work of painters, especially the Impressionist and the abstract impressionist of the New York School. I am drawn to the play of color and fluidity in of much of their work and enjoy the challenge of trying to translate visual effects I see in paintings into the more tactile language of cloth.
And the Living is Easy 64"x75", © 2008
Disaster Recovery 67"x72", © 2009
On the Other Hand 64"x75", © 2007
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